
Impairing temozolomide resistance driven by glioma stem-like cells with adjuvant immunotherapy targeting O-acetyl GD2 ganglioside

Fleurence J, Bahri M, Fougeray S, Faraj S, Vermeulen S, Pinault E, Geraldo F,Oliver L, Véziers J, Marquet P, Rabé M, Gratas C, Vallette F, Pecqueur C, Paris F, Birklé S

Int J Cancer. 2019 Jun 26 - Download fulltext

Sequential coronary bifurcation revascularization with the Xposition S™ self-apposing stent: a comparative fractal bench study

Dérimay F, Maillard L, Rioufol G, Souteyrand G, Aminian A, Veziers J, Guerin P, Finet G

Heart Vessels. 2019 Jun 27 -

Optimal balloon positioning for the proximal optimization technique? An experimental bench study

Dérimay F, Rioufol G, Nishi T, Kobayashi Y, Fearon WF, Veziers J, Guérin P, Finet G

Int J Cardiol. 2019 May 18

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of an electrospun-aligned microfibrous implant for Annulus fibrosus repair

Gluais M, Clouet J, Fusellier M, Decante C, Moraru C, Dutilleul M, Veziers J, Lesoeur J, Dumas D, Abadie J, Hamel A, Bord E, Chew SY, Guicheux J, Le Visage C

Biomaterials. 2019 Jun;205:81-93 - Download full text

Comparing "intra operative" tissue engineering strategies for the repair of craniofacial bone defects

Hivernaud V, Grimaud F, Guicheux J, Portron S, Pace R, Pilet P, Sourice S, Wuillem S, Bertin H, Roche R, Espitalier F, Weiss P, Corre P

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Jan 11 - Download full text

PiT1/Slc20a1 is required for endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis, chondrocyte survival and skeletal development

Couasnay G, Bon N, Devignes CS, Sourice S, Bianchi A, Véziers J, Weiss P, Elefteriou F, Provot S, Guicheux J, Beck-Cormier S, Beck L

J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Oct 22 - Download full text

Pullulan microbeads/Si-HPMC hydrogel injectable system for the sustained delivery of GDF-5 and TGF-β1: new insight into intervertebral disc regenerative medicine

N. Henry, J. Clouet, A. Fragale, L. Griveau, C. Chédeville, J. Véziers, P. Weiss, J. Le Bideau, J. Guicheux, C. Le Visage

Drug Delivery, 2017, 24(1): 999-1010 - Download full text

Neuroblastoma chemotherapy can be augmented by immunotargeting O-acetyl-GD2 tumor-associated ganglioside

Faraj S, Bahri M, Fougeray S, El Roz A, Fleurence J, Véziers J, Leclair MD, Thébaud E, Paris F, Birklé S

Oncoimmunology. 2017 Sep 21;7(1):e1373232 - Download full text

Mis à jour le 21 mai 2021.